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Trump Terminates Biden’s State Department Diversity Effort

Estimated read time: 1 min


President Donald Trump has issued an executive order to dismantle a diversity program at the State Department, originally established under the Biden administration. The initiative sought to enhance workforce diversity by removing employment barriers for underrepresented groups. However, the Trump administration has labeled such diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts as discriminatory and unwarranted.

This move aligns with a broader Trump agenda to eliminate DEI programs throughout the federal government. By ending the State Department’s initiative, the order may reshape hiring, training, and promotion practices, potentially reducing the diversity of the department’s workforce. The administration argues that employment decisions should prioritize merit over demographic considerations.
The decision has sparked varied responses. Supporters applaud it as a return to merit-based standards, asserting that qualifications should outweigh identity factors. Critics, however, warn that dismantling these programs could hinder progress toward a workforce that reflects America’s diverse population, viewing it as a setback for inclusion.

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