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Ayra Starr Opens Up: From Internet Troll to Music Sensation

Estimated read time: 1 min

In a surprising revelation, Nigerian music star Ayra Starr recently shared a glimpse into her past, admitting that she was once an online troll before stepping into the limelight. The 22-year-old singer, known for hits like Rush and Bloody Samaritan, opened up during a candid interview, reflecting on her journey from anonymity to fame.
“I used to be that person behind the screen, stirring things up,” Ayra Starr confessed with a laugh. “I’d comment random stuff, argue with strangers—it was my way of having fun back then.” She explained that her trolling days were fueled by boredom and curiosity, a stark contrast to the poised and confident artist her fans adore today.
The Sability crooner didn’t shy away from detailing how her perspective shifted once her music career took off. “Fame changes you,” she said. “When I started getting attention, I realized the weight words carry. I stopped trolling because I saw how it feels to be on the other side.”
Ayra Starr’s rise to stardom has been meteoric since her debut in 2021, blending Afrobeats with soulful vibes that resonate globally. Her admission adds a relatable layer to her story, proving that even celebrities have quirky pasts. Fans have since flooded social media with reactions, many applauding her honesty.
From keyboard warrior to chart-topping artist, Ayra Starr’s evolution is a testament to growth—and a reminder that everyone’s journey has unexpected chapters.

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